Monday, December 30, 2019

Reasons for Hope to End the Year

This is going to be my last post for 2019.

It's that busy time of year, with lots of holidays, and all of the busy things that go with all of that.

I've been collecting a bunch of Follicular Lymphoma-related news, and trying to to figure out when I'll have time to post about it all.

But then I decided, why not just do a quick review of it? A lot of it is stuff that might need more explaining in the future, so maybe it's not worth going into detail right now.

In the last couple of weeks, here's some of what has happened in the Follicular Lymphoma world:

That's a lot of good stuff in just a couple of weeks. And I'm leaving out all of the stories that are still coming out of the ASH conference.

Maybe it's just that it's the end of the year, and everyone is trying to finish things up before they take off for the holidays?

Maybe it's an ASH thing, and all of these folks got a good response at the conference and now they're ready to make some announcements?

Or maybe some other reason?

Whatever it is, I think it's a great way to end this year, and begin the next one:

There's a lot to be hopeful for.

There is no "good" cancer, and I hate it as much as most of us when someone suggests that FL is a good cancer to have. But I will admit that, in any ways, many of us are luckier than others. If our FL is slow-growing enough,  we may have some time to see these promising new treatments actually show up at the doctor's office. There are still lots of potential problems for the ones that are still seeking approval. But even if some of those things happen, it's still great news for us.

And if you're not of a mind to think in those terms, that's OK, too. We still have lots of great things already approved. Lots of options and lots to be hopeful for.

So let's end this year off, and begin the next one, with hope.

I look forward to sharing it all with you.


Shelly said...

Hi Bob,
Great way to end the year! Looking forward to hearing more on those trials you mentioned, too.
I'll be starting treatment again (O-CHOP) on Jan. 9th, doing all the preparation stuff at the moment (blood, port installed "again", echo-cardiogram, ekg). The plan is to do four O-CHOP's and get me to remission and then onto Dana Farber for an auto SCT (that part... "scares me most of all, Toto") with the hope that I'll get a much longer remission this time.
I have had an awesome four year break/remission and as an artist, this has been the best year yet, I couldn't be happier (well yeah, I guess I could) and I'm only feeling relieved that I no longer have to watch & worry. My motto for 2020, "Let's do this!"
Happy New Year Bob & family and keep rocking that remission!

icrazyhorse said...

Hi Bob

Thank you for all the great FL information over the years. I recommend to FL patients every change I get.

May you and your family have a truly healthy and prosperous New Year 2020.


Lymphomaniac said...

William, thanks for all of your support over the years. I hope you and your family have a happy, healthy new year.

Lymphomaniac said...

Good luck with the O-CHOP and the Auto. I hope it all goes smoothly and gives you a good, long remission. Sounds like you're heading into it with a strong head and heart. I know you'll be in good hands at Dana Farber. Please keep us updated when you can. We'll be thinking of you.

Paula said...

Hi Bob, thank you so much for your post over the past few months. I was DX in August have followed your post since. I started treatment in January and your posts has allowed me to understand and they have also inspired me. Similar in common with you as I 40 when DX and 3 young kids. I wish you and your family a Happy, healthy new year and I look forward to your posts in 2020.(following from Ireland) Paula

Lymphomaniac said...

Hi Paula.
Thanks for reading -- I'm glad I've been able to help. And I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Like you say, 40 with 3 kids -- I have some idea of how you're feeling. Lots to be hopeful about, though.
Take care. My wife and I have your beautiful country on our travel list. (Some day.)