Saturday, July 24, 2021

LRF Webinar on Follicular Lymphoma

The Lymphoma Research Foundation is holding a webinar on Follicular Lymphoma on Tuesday, August 3, from 2:00 to 3:00pm ET (11:00am PT). You can register for it here. It's free, though you'll end up on the LRF email list, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

The webinar is called "Update on Follicular Lymphoma," so I suspect you'll hear about the newest information of FL treatments. The program schedule says the topics will be
•    Overview of Follicular Lymphoma
•    Treatment Options for Newly Diagnosed
•    Watch and Wait
•    Emerging Treatment Approaches
•    Question and Answer Session 

I've listened in on a few of these, and even with all of the reading and watching and listening I've done in 13+ years, I always come away with something new that I have learned. The Question and Answer session can be especially valuable -- you'll have an expert who might answer your question.

And the expert this time is Dr. Sarah Rutherford, who teaches oncology and hematology at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York. Her recent research is on the use of PET scans during R-CHOP to see whether the treatment has been successful enough to be stopped earlier than planned. (Dr. Rutherford has also done some research on why surveillance scans are less useful than they might seem.) Cool stuff. 

So it should be a good session.

I have signed up for the webinar, and I encourage you to as well, because even if you can't make it during the scheduled time, they often post a recording online a day or two later, and send a link to people who signed up, so you can watch it (or re-watch it) when it's convenient. 

Hope you enjoy the webinar.

1 comment:

cricket said...

Would be helpful if they would address Rituximab and determination of COVID vaccine effectiveness.