Thursday, July 29, 2021

Last Chance to Vote for Me

The "Endorsement" phase of the WEGO Health Awards is closing on Saturday. That means you only have a couple of days let to vote for me.

While I did put the endorsement badge up for one of the awards, "Healthcare Collaborator," I've actually been nominated for two more since then: "Best in Show: Blog" and "Best Kept Secret." So if you voted for me for the first one but not the other two, you still have a chance to do that.

The easiest way to vote s to go to me Awards Profile page, which you can do by clicking here.

Once you get there, the page should look like this:


Click on "Awards" in the top right corner if the awards aren't listed. And feel free to read my "About" section if you want to know more about me (though there isn't much that I hide from you all, so you probably know it all already).

One last thing: as I said in my original post about the WEGO Health Awards a few weeks ago, in order to vote, you need to provide an email address. It's how they make sure you're only voting for each person once. If you'd rather not give your email to WEGO, and end up on their mailing list, that's fine. As I've said before, I value your privacy. Skip the voting if it makes you uncomfortable. Awards are nice, but I'd rather have you stick around as a reader than have you feel like I'm pushing you into something you don't want to do.

 One last thing -- thanks to whoever nominated me this year. I appreciate it.

Thanks again for all of your support through the years, for the WEGO Health Awards and for just being great readers.

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