Friday, March 19, 2021

Canine Companionship, a website that I write for when I'm not writing here, published a nice piece this week called "My Furry Companion." It's a lovely tribute to a dog named George who has been there for a blood cancer patient through her diagnosis and treatment. 

Dogs are wonderful -- or, they can be wonderful, anyway. As the writer points out, they can provide the kind of unconditional love that so many of us need.

And useful, too. The first dog who was taught to sniff cancer was also named George. He was a Standard Schnauzer.

And you might remember that my own beloved dog was also a Standard Schnauzer. We had to say good bye to her in September, and she's left a little bit of a hole in our hearts for six months.

Which is why I am happy to introduce you all to our new Standard Schnauzer puppy.

Meet Katara.

We brought her home yesterday. She's about 9 weeks old, and an absolute cutey. She's very affectionate, and very curious, and is sure to keep us busy for a while.

She's named for the character Katara in the cartoon Avatar: The Last Air Bender, which is a show our kids loved when it was on a few years ago, and which we all watched together when they were home last summer. It's a kid's show, allegedly, but with lots of great characters and some grown-up messages.

In the show, Katara is a Water Bender, able to make water move in any way she likes. More importantly, she's a healer, maybe one of the greatest healers in the world, and that's a big part of the name.

My wife and I are empty nesters again, with our kids all back in school. We didn't necessarily need something to keep us busy, but we're happy for it anyway.

I promise not to clog up the blog with too many puppy photos and videos (though I may invent a reason every now and then to put something up). If you want to see more, Katara has her own Instagram account, so you can find her at @KataraTheDogg.

Looking forward to sharing more FL news soon. Stay well.


Paula said...

Ah she is cute Bob. And what a great name, it suits her. Paula, Dublin, Ireland.

Graça said...

Desejo que Katara lhe proporcione momentos felizes!
Ela é fofa!

Graca( mãe do Rodrigo)

Brasília DF

Jacqueline said...

She is a beautiful pup! Our rescue dog actually helped my partner realize that there was something wrong. George (we have two and the other is named Gracie) kept sniffing at my partner's pelvic area. He had never done that before, he just wouldn't leave her alone. Needless to say, my partner was diagnosed with stage 2 ovarian cancer. That was over 6 years ago and this year my partner was declared cured. Once she had her surgery and went through a ton of chemo (turns out she had the BRCA1 gene so she had to have a double mastostomy as well) George stopped sniffing really was an amazing thing to experience. We are more complete beings with our "fur" babies.

Jacqueline said...

Just realized I spelled Mastectomy wrong...sorry!

Anonymous said...

Katara is adorable.

Lymphomaniac said...

Thank you (and obrigada) everyone. She's been a lot of fun so far. It's been 14 years since we've had a puppy. We forgot how exhausting they can be. And we were so much younger back then!

Jacqueline, I'm sorry to hear about your partner's diagnosis, but so happy that she's doing well. Dogs really are amazing sometimes.

Take care everyone.