Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Save RIT

I'm going to do a little advocacy now.

There's a petition online asking people to help save RadioImmunoTherapy -- the super-charged, radioactive version of Rituxan (to put it simply) that has been shown to be incredibly effective in combating NHL. I've written about it here many times.

I've also written about the problems that come when patients try to push their doctors for this treatment. It's very under-used, for a lot of reasons, including the fact that it is not fully reimbursed by Medicare. This is a triple whammy: Medicare patients who could benefit from it cannot afford it; other insurers follow the Medicare practice and also do not fully reimburse for it; and doctors are thus reluctant to use it.

The petition asks for Medicare to fully fund RIT.

It's a tragedy, really. It's effective, safe, and cheaper than most chemotherapies (which require multiple rounds, unlike RIT, which requires just one).

For more information, read this excellent article by NHL Rock Star Betsy deParry:

You can read more about the petition, here, and sign by clicking on the "Petition" tab:

You don't need to be a cancer patient to sign -- you just need to support the idea that more options should stay available to help cancer patients.

Thanks for your help with this.

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