Friday, August 26, 2011

CT Scan This Morning

No results yet -- just the scan itself.

This was my first scan in 18 months. The last one was my post-Rituxan scan. Dr. R hadn't thought it was necessary for another one up to this point, but he figured 18 months was probably a good time to check in and see what's going on with the ol' nodes.

It all went very smoothly. I arrived about 10 minutes early, and they took me in right away. I drank my usual barium milkshake, and even that seemed to go down easier than usual. Had the whole quart finished in about 10 minutes. Lympho Bob don't mess around....

After an hour's wait (watching George Stephanoplous on Goof Morning America, fretting about the hurricane), they took me in for the scan. I was even lucky enough to get the British Guy CT Scan machine. It's the one with the voice of a man with a gentle British accent, who instructs me to "Take a deep breath and hold it there...Carry on breathing."  My kids crack up when I tell them about that, every time.

 (I don't always get the British Guy, so I guess different CT machines have different voices, maybe because they're manufactured by different companies? I'd like to think the technicians have a choice of voices, kind of like Tom Tom GPS systems, where you can download celebrity voices, like that of Snoop Dogg, Official Rapper of Lympho Bob. How much nicer would a scan be if you had Snoop saying, "Breath in deep, Jack," and then making some kind of medical marijuana-related joke? Awesome. I may have to contact Tom Tom about making some kind of deal with the scan people....)

Even the ride home was easy -- I usuallly get stuck at every light, but this morning, the timing was great.

I should get results early next week. I'll be sure to pass them along.

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