Monday, November 1, 2010


Oh, it's that time of year: Movember.

If you aren't aware, "Mo" is short for moustache, and November is the month dedicated to promoting men's health. So when you encourage men to grow moustaches for the month to promote men's health, you get Movember.

The Movember Foundation uses the month to ask men to grow a moustache. Instead a small ribbon on the lapel, this amounts to a man-made ribbon on the face. The foundation asks men to grow and donate (grownate?), and the money raised goes to the Prostate Cancer Foundation and Lance Armstrong's LiveStrong Foundation.

It's a good cause.

And it's probably easier to grow a mo than to, say, ride a bike for 180 miles....

(And if you're looking for inspiration, check out these bloggers' lists of the Best and Worst Moustaches in the Movies, The 20 greatest moustaches in sports, and Probably the 10 Best Moutaches EVER!)


Anonymous said...

Easy to grow a moustache? Not for me. I look like Shaggy from Scooby Doo anytime I attempt facial hair. There are spots scattered across my face that remain as soft and smooth as a baby's bottom regardless of how long I go without shaving. The best I can manage is a lame soul patch. If I went on Survivor or was lost at sea for months no one would believe I was gone for more than four days.

Oh well, why waste hormones growing hair, right?


Anonymous said...

Peter is looking at high schools and was offended that the one he likes doesn't allow facial hair. He was offended at my suggestion that he might not have facial hair in high school anyway. I told him to take a survey of his 7 uncles on my side to gauge his chances. He's hoping for the Tedeschi/McEachern facial hair genes. He may feel differently if/when he has to shave every day.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. looks like I'm a trend setter once again.

Obviuosly, Bob, you're not one to keep with family tradition since you are the only McEachern male that does not sport the proper moustache. You chin fuzz just doesn't cut it like the rest of the men in the family (all three of us). But we'll let you stay in the club.

Having done both, I think growing the moustache was harder than the bike riding.

Good luck to Peter and John with their efforts.

Mike. or as Strudel calls me:
der Stier mit den Schnurrbart

Anonymous said...

Oh, by the way - i pick Valderama and prefontaine as 1 and 2 for best sports moustaches, although Valderama gets there mostly for the hair/ moustahce combo. he'd be down the list without the hair.


Lymphomaniac said...

Tom, don't downplay the soul patch. That's Peter's choice of facial hair anyway, so maybe he's predestined for the Buck face no matter what. And Mike, the chinstrap sets off my chiseled features way better than a plain ol' mo ever could. (And thank you for not somehow working a comment about my back hair into all of this.)

Anonymous said...

(And thank you for not somehow working a comment about my back hair into all of this.)

How dare you think i would stoop so low as to make fun of your back hair! Give me some credit - that's too easy of a target.

I'll think of a more blog appropriate way to pick on you. Subtly, of course. I'm not an FBI agent after all. :o