Saturday, July 6, 2024

Pan Mass Challenge

I'm about to ask you for money.

Once again, my brother will be riding in the Pan Mass Challenge on August 3 to raise money for cancer research at Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. The Pan Mass Challenge is a bike ride that covers much of the state of Massachusetts (which is why it;s called Pan Mass). Riders get donations for completing the ride.

My brother began riding in the PMC in 2008, and he has personally raised well over $80,000 in that time. Since it began in 1980, PMC riders have raised over $972 million. The PMC is the largest source of funding for cancer research at Dana Farber. 

My brother was injured last year and wasn't able to ride, but he's healthy and ready to go this year. 

Some of you have donated in the past, which I greatly appreciate. You might have already received a fundraising email from my brother. If not, you can see a copy of his email below, with a link to his fundraising page.

I don't like being asked for money, and I don't like asking, either. But this is research that benefits all of us. (Last year, the PMC raised about $72 million, and about $8 million went to blood cancer research. That's a very significant chunk of money.)

So if you are able to donate, please consider doing so. 

Thank you.


This year on August 3rd, I will be joining over 5,000 cyclists riding for my 17th year in the Pan Mass Challenge, riding 85 miles  from Wellesley to Bourne  to raise research funds for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. 

As many of you may know from sponsoring me in the past, this cause is especially personal to me as I have had several immediate family members and close friends that have been diagnosed and treated successfully for many different types of cancers.  Some,  like my brother Bob, have been beneficiaries of the breakthrough research that has been conducted at the DFMC.

2024  marks the 45th  anniversary of the PMC, and this year, cumulative fundraising will reach over  $1 billion donated for cancer research and treatment at Dana-Farber.  The majority of this impressive total is considered unrestricted support -- critical, flexible funding that can be directed where and when it is needed most. As the PMC generates nearly half of the Jimmy Fund's annual revenue, every rider supports the efforts of more than 3,000 DFCI faculty and staff members as they make countless advances that have become the standard of cancer care and research.

I’m asking you to join me in the fight against cancer by sponsoring me in my ride with the 2024 Pan Mass Challenge.  The doctors and researchers at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston are making tremendous progress in finding a cure for this terrible disease, but we need to continue to fund the fight and bring this to an end.

The easiest way to donate is to give on-line.  The PMC site is a secure site. 

 To give on-line, you can go to the following link to my personal fundraising site:

Many thanks,



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