Monday, May 15, 2023

Vote for Me -- Social Health Awards

It's that time of year again -- the Social Health Awards!

Actually, it's about a month earlier than in the past, but still -- it's time for the Social Health Awards!

I'll start with a link. If you want to vote for me ("endorse" me, as it's called), you can find my Awards profile here. You don't need to "nominate" me (that's already been done). Look for the link that says "Endorse this Patient Leader." It looks like this:

Endorsements close soon -- Monday, May 22. So vote for/endorse me soon!

So now some background and reminders for how this works.

The Social Health Awards were created to recognize online health advocates (like me) who share their health story. This link will bring you the awards page, with lots of information about what they are and how they work. There are a bunch of different categories. As of this morning, I have been nominated for two of them: Creative Contributor and Revolutionary Researcher. Here's the description of the awards:

  • Creative Contributor. There are so many avenues when it comes to patient advocacy. The Creative Contributor category recognizes the individuals taking a creative approach to raising awareness. Think about patient leaders transforming their advocacy into clothing, cards, jewelry shops, comic creation and more! This category celebrates those bringing advocacy to the marketplace.
  • Revolutionary Researcher. The category aims to celebrate the patients and caregivers who refuse to let medical jargon and data slow them down! The winner of this category stays up-to-date on the latest research, treatments, and clinical trials. This patient leader has a knack for transforming complex information into layman terms for the greater community to act on.

One important thing about the awards, if you've never been involved with them -- you'll need to give them an email address (this is how they make sure that you don't vote more than once). If you'd rather not give out your email address, that's no problem -- no pressure to endorse me. I just want to make sure you know what you're getting into.

Endorsements end next Monday, May 22, so if you're interested in endorsing me, here's the link to my page again.

Thank you, as always, for reading the blog. 

Quick preview -- ASCO is happening soon. The conference organizers have once again generously made the online portions of the conference free for patient advocates, so I'll be reading up on all of that great research and offering some previews of presentations over the next few weeks. Always one of my favorite times of year.

Stay well, and thanks again for considering an endorsement.

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