Monday, January 11, 2021

FDA Approves Lymphoma Treatment for Dogs

The FDA gave conditional approval for the first oral tablet to treat Lymphoma in dogs.

The treatment is called Laverdia-CA1, also known as Verdinexor. The treatment blocks some proteins from leaving a cancer cell, making it difficult for the cell to reproduce. 

In case you're wondering, Verdinexor has been tested for humans, too -- I found studies for Influenza and Lymphoma. But it doesn't look like they've been very successful.

But, really, this post isn't about treatments for humans, anyway. I wrote it mostly because I've been thinking about my dog a lot lately. She didn't have Lymphoma, but this gives me an excuse to post some pictures of her.

She was always very good about putting up with my nonsense. I miss her.

Stay well.



Graça said...

Ola Bob

Penso no quanto você deve sentir falta dela
Em português existe uma palavra chamada saudade ,que exprime a falta que sentimos de alguém
É única,em tradução
Mas universal na expressãodo afeto

Fique bem

Graca ( mãe do Rodrigo)

Lymphomaniac said...

Thank you, Graca. That's a beautiful word.

Paula said...

Ah Bob, she is just so cute and I can imagine how much you miss her. Thanks for sharing those photos, they put a smile on my face. Paula