Friday, December 21, 2018

Young People Give Me Hope

As many of you know, I write a column for Lymphoma News Today called "Things That Give Me Hope."

You may also know that, over the last year and a half or so, I've tried to step up my advocacy work. A big part of that came from being invited to a conference called HealthEVoices. At the conference (which I've been to twice now), I've met a bunch of other online health advocates. They advocate for all kinds of conditions -- mental health, diabetes, HIV, and about 40 others.

But it was the other cancer advocates that really touched me. It's amazing to be in a room with other people who have heard he words "You have cancer," and realize that all of the things you have thought and felt have also been experienced by others. It's a reminder that you're not alone.

Those experiences came together for my column this month on Lymphoma News Today. It's called "Young People Give Me Hope," and it describes some of the amazing young cancer advocates that I've met.

Young people have incredible energy and creativity. They are fearless. These young cancer survivors have faced horrible things and turned them into wonderful things. They are trying to change the world.

Check out the article, and click the links. You'll see the great things they are doing, and my guess is that it will give you hope, too. you'll see how bright the future is.

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