Thursday, May 23, 2013

Anne DeMatteo

I don't often write about people who have died, because I prefer to mourn privately, and sometimes there are just too masny good people I would have to write about. But every now and then, it seems like someone should be recogized publicly.

Earlier this week, Anne DeMatteo, a reporter and columnist for the New Haven Register, died. I never met her, though we did correspond a few times by email when she wrote something powerful that I really liked. Anne was diagnosed with breast cancer a few years ago, and the Register gave her a weekly column to write about her experiences. More often than not, she wrote about other people, often cancer patients, who were doing heroic things. She was, of course, one of those heroic people herself, describing her experiences and encouraging others.

Her funeral was yesterday, and as the Register article makes clear, she touched a lot of lives. Connecticut will miss having such an eloquent advocate for cancer patients.


My own computer woes continue, giving me limited access to the blog. I'll soon be back online full-time, I hope. I just don't know when, exactly....

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