Thursday, August 2, 2012

An Oncologist's Blog

Saw a link on Facebook to a relatively new blog by Dr. Jeff Sharman, a hematologist/oncologist at the Willamette Valley Cancer Institute. His expertise is CLL (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia), a slow-growing type of NHL (like Follicular), though it's clear he deals with patients with lots of blood cancers.

The relevant post to his blog has to do with Follicular Lymphoma, titled, "How I Approach Follicular Lymphoma (Part 1) -- Patients with Low Risk Disease."  The focus, as the title says, is "low risk " fNHL, as determined by FLIPI scores. (Fortunately, Dr. Sharman provides a helpful link explaining FLIPI scores. Just understand that the scores are used as a tool to determine treatment strategies, not as a predictor of survival. No sense in getting anyone worried here.)

I like Sharman's entry. (In fact, I like the whole blog.) It's great to see a doctor explain his decisions, especially in fairly clear language, and with links to the research he is talking about. Dr. Sharman clearly knows his stuff, and I'd be willing to bet that someone who takes the time to blog in this way is probably a good communicator with patients.

I look forward to Part 2.

1 comment:

Jack Peter said...
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