Thursday, September 25, 2008


I'm still running. I'm back inside now on the treadmill. It's not getting light until about 6:30am now, too dark to run early in the morning when I like to. The treadmill doesn't seem to give me as much of a workout as running outside does, but I play with speeds and inclines, and that keeps thinsg interesting. But I won't stop. It's too important, not only because running helps you live longer, and it's especially good for cancer patients.

Busy weekend coming up, so I probably won't post until late Sunday, maybe Monday. I see Dr. R on Tuesday for the first time in two months. I always get a little antsy a few days before, even though I'm feeling fine, and I'm still not showing any B symptoms.

I'll give you the update after the appointment.

1 comment:

christine said...

Hey Bob~keep up the running, that's so good, will be keeping you in my prayers as usual, for Tuesday!!!
