Friday, June 28, 2024

Epcoritamab Approval

The FDA granted accelerated approval to Epcoritamab for Relapsed/Refractory Follicualr Lymphoma yesterday. 

This was not a surprise.

The approval is for Relapsed/Refractory disease after two previous lines of treatment. 

Epcoritamab is a bispecific antibody. Like all bispecifics, it works in two parts. It attached itself to cancerous B cells (the way Rituxan works) but also attaches itself to a T cell, allowing that immune cell to work on the cancer cell. This will be the second bispecific available to at least some FL patients. 

The treatment got a lot of attention at ASCO a few weeks ago, and any concerns about safety were addressed in particular. That said, there will still be a warning on the box for "serious or fatal cytokine release syndrome (CRS) and Immune Effector Cell-Associated Neurotoxicity (ICANS)." This will be a standard warning, not a more serious "black box" warning.

The apprval is based on Epcoritamab's very good effectiveness. In the clinical trial that provided data for the approval, the Overall Response Rate was 82%, with a Complete Response of 60%. The median Duration of Response after 14.8 months was not yet reached, meaning more than half of the 127 patients in the study were still getting a response after that time.

This is, of course, good news for all of us. Another arrow in the quiver, as one of my oncologists used to say.

More to come.

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