Monday, October 11, 2021

Lymphoma Research Foundation Events

I have advertised a few events from the Lymphoma Research Foundation over the last year or so. I think the LRF does a good job of getting information to patients in ways they we can understand.

The LRF has two events coming up that might be of interest to you all.

The first is LRF's North American Educational Forum on Lymphoma. It's coming up very soon -- October 15th to the 17th. You can register for it here.

The forum has many presentations, including Lymphoma Overview for Newly Diagnosed Patients and Caregivers (Jacob Soumerai, MD, Massachusetts General Hospital), Lymphoma Survivorship (Priyanka Pophali, MD, University of Wisconsin) and Relapsed/Refractory – How to Cope When your Lymphoma Returns? (Jennifer Amengual, MD, Columbia University Medical Center). There are others focused on CAR-T, nutrition, and Covid-19. And then there are special sessions on individual Lymphoma types, including Follicular Lymphoma. 

Registration is required, though the event is free. If you're interested, do it soon.

The second LRF event is one of their "Ask the Doctor" events. The North American Forum is probably going to be very large with hundreds of patients and caregivers. "Ask the Doctor" is usually a little smaller and more intimate. The idea is that patients can ask questions of the doctor, and with fewer of them, there's a better chance of getting one answered.

The Ask the Doctor event that is coming up next is with Dr. Caron Jacobson of Dane Farber, on October 26. But there are a few others during the fall, too, including one conducted in Spanish on November 2, if that is your preferred language. The sign-up page for all of the Ask the Doctor events is here.

Knowledge is good. It's nice to have the opportunity to hear form experts, and even better to have the chance to ask questions and get answers.

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Jacobson is my specialist at Dana Farber! I've already signed up for this, of course.
