Wednesday, October 20, 2021

A Little Lymphoma Humor

This meme has been around the internet for a little while, but I came across it last night, and I thought I'd share:


For those of you who need to translate, this is what the two people talking in the meme are saying:

"Hello, we have discovered two types of Lymphomas and would like to register them." 

"OK, tell me your names please."

"Dr. Hodgkins."

"OK, so Hodgkin's Lymphoma. The second Doctor's name, please."

"Dr. Ottovordemgentshenfelde."

"OK, Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Done."


I think it's an amusing meme because I've always found it strange that we have a disease that isn't named for what it is, but instead for what it isn't. And it's weirder because there are many, many more people with NHL than with Hodgkin's. But Hodgkin's was named first, so there's not much we can do (except maybe challenge them to a Lymphoma Olympics and use our superior numbers to beat them).

And, as far as I can tell, there is no lymphoma researcher named Dr.
Ottovordemgentshenfelde. But that is the longest name is Germany, apparently,and there is a Dr.
Ottovordemgentshenfelde who has a PhD and teaches at the London School of Economics and Politic Science, and studies digital communication. Very interesting research if that's your thing.

Hope this gave you a small smile today. I'm a big believer in the benefits of humor, something we need more than ever.


  1. Thanks Bob, this was hysterical...I have not seen it before!

  2. Love it, Bob. Thanks for the humor.

  3. Thanks Bob, very good !

  4. Nice!
    I will send to my hemathologist.
