Saturday, September 21, 2019

Cancer Heroes

The organization Survivor Journeys is looking for cancer heroes.

They are asking for nominees for their cancer survivors event: "Do you have a friend or family member who has had or is still having an inspirational journey?  What would you like people to know about this person’s story and the courage (s)he has shown in the face of a cancer diagnosis?  How does that person inspire you?"

Nominations are due October 14. The forms can be found here. Nominees will be recognized at an event on November 21.

Now, I get the sense that this is mostly a local or regional thing. I don't imagine too many people will be traveling too far if they have been nominated.

However, the nomination form starts with "Anyone is eligible" (and they are the ones who underlined it), so I think it's worth it for anyone to send in a nomination.  Think about those cancer patients who survivors you know who have inspired you. Think about the people in your support groups who always pick you up. Caregivers, nominate your loved ones.

Here's why I think it's worth it. So many of us focus on our lives as patients that we forget that we can be models for others. There's a feeling of helplessness that can come with a cancer diagnosis. We focus on getting well, and then on staying well. But we don't realize that others see us going through the things we go through.

Even at our lowest point, we could be (and probably are) an inspiration for someone else. Sometimes just getting through the day makes you an inspiration to someone else -- a hero. We don't see that ourselves, as we fight fatigue and pain and emotional issues. But others do.

But we rarely say it - "You're a hero!" -- to others.

And if we hear it -- "You're an inspiration!" -- we rarely believe it.

So maybe hearing from some outside group that you are an inspiration or a hero will actually make someone believe it.

It looks like the form takes maybe 10 minutes to fill out. Surely you can find 10 minutes to make someone's day.


Paula said...

Bob, I have been recently diagnosed. I am 40 with a fantastic husband and 3 beautiful children. You are an inspiration to me everyday as I read through your journey. Thank you

Lymphomaniac said...

Well, if you've read the blog for a bit, you know I was in the same position -- 40 years old and three kids. So I have some idea of how you're probably feeling.
Lots of good treatments and lots of good research out there, with lots more coming. Lots to be hopeful about.
Good luck with your own journey. Glad I could help some.