Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Vote for Best Blog

I am pleased to announce that the Lympho Bob has been nominated for two awards from WEGO Health.

WEGO Health is a company that matches patient advocates with health care businesses and organizations, helping to make sure that patient voices are heard. For six years, they have also sponsored awards for health advocates.

I have been nominated for Best in Show: Blog and Best Kept Secret. There are 16 awards, and dozens  of really excellent nominees. It's very cool to be nominated. As I've said before, I'd keep writing the blog even if I was the only one who read it, but a little recognition is nice, too.

The awards are now in the Endorsement phase, which means people can vote to endorse the nominees for the awards. If you are so inclined, you give me your endorsement by clicking here.

And here's a bonus -- you'll get to see my picture and learn my real name (which isn't Lympho Bob, or Bob Talisker -- my email address isn't my name, it's my favorite scotch).

You can only vote for each nominee one time, so they will ask you for an email address, to ensure you have only voted once. If that's a turn off, no problem. Your being a loyal reader is good enough for me.

Once again, thanks for all your support. More good stuff coming soon.


  1. Congratulations!!!
    Done, and done!
    Thank you for all you do for us Follicular NHL patients.
    Great to have a photo to go with your name! Love it!

  2. I just cast my vote for you, Bob. I asked three of my fNHL friends (who read your blog) to vote for you, too. And I posted the "Vote for Best Blog" on my Facebook page. Here's hoping you WIN!


    P.S. Thanks for the self "outing."

  3. Congrats. Voted.

  4. You have my nomination for both categories!!!!
    Hey Bob, are you aware of a video series that started online yesterday entitled "The Truth About Cancer"? It's a 9 part series, first episode deals with Chemotherapy & Pharmaceuticals.
    Here's the link to the first episode: https://go2.thetruthaboutcancer.com/agq-encore/episode-1/?utm_campaign=agq&utm_medium=email&utm_source=maropost&utm_content=2017-07-12-0800&utm_term=
    You can watch it anytime today until 8pm eastern then the second one runs at 9pm. You can also link in and delay watching. I'd be interested in what you think about this documentary & I'm sure those of us who read your blog would love to hear your opinion about this. I myself am cautiously skeptical but open-minded.
    Thanks for your blog, it is the "one" thing that keeps me sane and hopeful for the future.

  5. You got my vote! Hope you win. Thanks for keeping us updated about follicular lymphoma. Read you every week.

  6. Me and my family vote!!

  7. Bravo for the nominations, Bob! I clicked on both Endorse buttons but nothing happened--is something supposed to open or change?

  8. Thank you all. I really appreciate your support.
    Lois, the link in the post should work; I can't get the buttons to link up.

  9. Bob, you will always have my vote. Thanks for all the positive encouragement over the years.


  10. You have my vote! Congratulations!!
    Thank you for sharing your journey and your knowledge with us :)

  11. Bob, you don't know it, but you're are a vital part of my day....breakfast with Bob! (great pic BTW) I nominated you for both.
    A big shout out to you from BC, Canada :-)

  12. Done , done , you deserve this so delighted to vote for such a deserving candidate 👍

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  14. Awesome and a well deserved honor. Am off to vote. Good luck!!
