Sunday, October 7, 2018

We Need To Talk About Survival Statistics

My latest column for Lymphoma News Today is out. It's called "We Need To Talk About Survival Statistics."

I write about this issue on the blog every now and then. I think it's worth coming back to a lot. A good reminder for those of us who have dealt with Follicular Lymphoma for a while, and a good thing to hear for those who are new to this.

One of the first things we ask after a diagnosis is "How long do I have?"

We're asking for survival statistics.

But what we read isn't the real picture when it comes to survival.

The most important thing to remember is, statistics are about groups of people, and they don't say anything about individual patients.The median survival only tells you the exact middle -- half of patients will live less than that number, but half will live more. And for Follicular Lymphoma patients, that could mean many, many years more then the statistic would make you think.

It's easy to get bogged down in numbers, because they seem so real.

Don't let that happen to you.

Take a look at the column. I want it to be a reminder that numbers don't dictate our lives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for reminding a scientist what the terms really mean...seems they got lost in the reading. Also thanks for reminding me to take everyday as a blessing and to enjoy it to the fullest. Thanks also for your helps me get through as I approach my first diagnosversary.