Thursday, September 13, 2018

In Praise of Support Groups

Hey, everyone. I have a new piece on Lymphoma News Today. It's called "In Praise of Support Groups."

I've been using the Lymphoma News Today column to write about things that have given me hope over the last 10+ years. If you've been reading for a while, you know how important support groups have been to me. They were especially important when I was first diagnosed. It was great to hear the stories of people who have been through what I was going through. I could ask questions and get answers. I could speak my fears, and get them relieved.

The unknown always seems worse than the reality. Support groups help with that.

The group I first encountered (and the one I talk about in the Lymphoma News Today piece) is still around (you can find the link in the "Sites I Like" section on the right hand side of the blog). And I still check in every day.

I've also joined a couple of Facebook groups, I am active in the communities on, and I consider this blog a community as well.

If you haven't joined a support group (especially if you're new to all of this), consider it. There are lots to choose from, and some of them might not give you what you are looking for, and that's OK. The important this is to connect with people who give you what you need.

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