Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Oh, Yes

Once again, I am ready to proclaim myself The Healthiest Darn Cancer Patient in Town.

I had my annual physical a few weeks ago (no mention of my having Chronic Pulimary Disease then, unless I missed something), and I finally managed to find some time for the blood test last weekend. (And I have to say, the people at Quest really stink at taking blood. Two years in a row, I've ended up with a bruise on my arm the size of a saucer. When I get blood taken at Dr. R's office, the phlebotomists there don't even leave a mark. It's like they're all former CIA assassins -- no entry point, no evidence that any one was ever there. They're amazing.)

Well, I got my blood test results today.

Complete Blood Count = normal
Chemistries = normal
(Those two things are doubly good because Dr. R checks them, too, for signs that there are cancery problems going on. So I'm good there, it would seem.)

Thyroid = normal
PSA = normal
Vitamin D = normal
(Woo hoo! I've been working on my Vitamin D levels for over a year. There's all kinds of stuff out there about the relationship between Vitamin D and lymphoma, and some of it conflicts with other parts of it, but I've read enough to think I need a high Vitamin D level for my overall health. So this is good news.)

HDL (good cholesterol, should be over 40) = 47
LDL (bad cholesterol, should be under 130) = 121
Triglycerides (should be under 150) = 78
Total cholesterol (should be under 200)  = 184

The bottom line is, I freakin' rock. I credit it all to running and olive oil.

Damn, I'm good.

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