Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Vacation Over, Back to Work

We had a nice time with the family in Massachusetts, enjoying the cool weather and trying to stay out of the rain. We did manage to make it to downtown Boston on Saturday, where we walked the Freedom Trail (first time for the kids, first time in 18 years for me and Isabel). It was a perfect day for it -- 75 degrees and overcast.

But now it's time to get back to work. Isabel and I start on Monday, and the kids start on Wednesday. I have nice memories of this time of year: a new crop of saturday morning cartoons, laves will change soon, and the farmer's market will start selling apples and pears.

But one thing has remained constant: I have an appointment with Dr. R on Friday. I don't anticipate anything major. I'm feeling fine and not noticing any big changes in any nodes. We'll probably talk about treatment options, including the two that he kind of sprung on me last time.

The appointment is in the morning, so look for an update sometime Friday afternoon or evening.

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