Thursday, February 4, 2010

World Cancer Day

I won't be so tasteless as to say "Happy World Cancer Day!," but today is indeed World Cancer Day, an initiative of the International Union Against Cancer.

Check out their web site. Ambassadors for the Big Day include Lance Armstrong (naturally -- it's international law that he must be involved in any cancer campaign. Not that I don't apprecaite all he's done for cancer awareness...), Steffi Graf, and Barbara Bush (someone I will always admire, because when I graduated from BU, then-President Bush and the President of France spoke at the graduation, and Barbara got a bigger ovation that either of them).

The campaign's theme for this year is "Cancer Can Be Prevented, Too," and focuses on awareness of healthy lifestyles as a way of preventing cancer. So stop smoking, eat healthier, exercise, stay out of the sun, and be aware of how certain infections can lead to cancer. Take the quiz to find out more.

Awareness is key -- that's no joke. That's why Lance is still my second favorite bike rider.

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